St. Paul’s is a vibrant parish with many opportunities to grow in faith through worship, formation, outreach and fellowship. There are also many ways for our members to serve God and others by getting involved in the following ministries of the church.
Episcopal Church Women (ECW) is a national Episcopal organization that helps the women of the Episcopal Church carry on Christ’s work of reconciliation in the world and gives women a variety of opportunities for leadership in the life, governance and worship of the church. All women members of St. Paul’s are members of ECW and are invited to participate in ECW activities.
ECW fellowship and service activities include the Altar Guild, the Bookshop, Circles, Food and Fellowship Guild, Funeral Receptions Committee, Handbook Committee, and Library Guild. Local members may also participate in convocation, diocesan and national ECW activities.
ECW fundraising activities include the Bazaar and Luncheon, the White Elephant Sale and the twice-yearly United Thank Offering, which provide both fellowship and funding for a wide variety of parish and outreach activities. In addition, members are asked to pledge to support the work of the ECW.
Download the 2017 ECW Council Handbook.
Download the ECW Reimbursement Form.
Circles meet during the school year, from September through May, to socialize and usually, to hear a guest speaker. Some circles also work on special projects and sponsor booths at the Annual Bazaar and Luncheon. Women of St. Paul’s are welcome to attend any circle meeting.
St. Agatha/Helena/Elizabeth’s Circle, made up primarily of women aged 70 and older, meets the second Monday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in the parlor. Contact Doris Arzonico at 336-765-8233 or Yvette Simmons at 336-765-6692.
St. Anne’s Circle meets the second Monday for lunch ($6) at 12:15 p.m. in Colhoun A. Most members are women ages 50 to 75, empty-nesters, mostly not working outside the home. Contact Peggy Slater at 336-766-5794.
St. Lucy’s Circle meets monthly in the evenings at members ’ homes. Most members are between 40 and 70 years old, and most work outside the home. Contact Tricia Vaughn.
St. Margaret’s Circle meets monthly on the third Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. at church or at the home of a member. Members are primarily working women in their 30s and 40s, many with young children. Contact Aly Moser at 336-407-2919 or Elizabeth Foley at 336-624-8430.
St. Mary’s Circle meets the second Monday of each month at 2:30 p.m. in members’ homes. Most members are seniors in their 70s, 80s and older. Contact Stella Surratt at 336-725-1119 or Toni Corpening at 336-768-6259.
St. Ruth’s Circle meets on the second Monday of every month at 6:30 p.m. The circle is made up of women in their 20s and 30s who seek to empower others to promote loving service in the parish and community through a balance of fellowship, spiritual study and outreach. Contact Megan Marshall-Wicker at 336-673-5376.
St. Paul’s Men’s Ministry defines its areas of engagement broadly as Fellowship, Discipleship and Outreach. Each category lends energy to the other.
The longest-running and most successful Men’s Ministry effort is the Dudley Colhoun Men’s Prayer Breakfast which meets at 7:00 a.m. on Fridays and features discussions of Sunday’s readings and a breakfast buffet. The group celebrated its 40th anniversary in November 2014.
More recently, four teams of 10 to 14 men take turns weekly to prepare breakfast on Sunday mornings from September through May. In Fall 2015, the Men’s Ministry began offering Monday Night Dinners for socializing and hearing a program by a guest speaker.
Other Men’s Ministry activities have included skeet shooting events and Saturday morning landscaping projects in Dalton Garden.

Dudley Colhoun Men's Prayer Breakfast
It was on Friday, November 22, 1974, that the men of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church first began meeting weekly for Bible study, prayer, fellowship and breakfast. In the November 17 bulletin, there was a prominent announcement:
On Friday, November 22, 7:00-8:00 a.m., the men of the Church will have a Prayer-Bible Study Breakfast in the Dining Room. All men of the Church are invited to participate.
The Rev. Dudley Colhoun was Rector of St. Paul’s at the time. The idea for the ministry emerged following an October Faith Alive weekend at St. Paul’s. Inspired by the event, a group of men decided to provide the men of St. Paul’s an opportunity for small group Bible study on a weekly basis.
In an early edition of ParishLife a photo of the group appears under the heading, “It’s Friday Morning and These Men Thank God.” Bill Keeling was quoted in the accompanying article, saying, “After spiritual feeding, the group adjourns to the dining room for breakfast of scrambled eggs, sausage, grits and biscuits, all prepared with much care by St. Paul’s cook, Pauline Love. The price is $1.25. But as good as it is, the breakfast is secondary to the study, discussion, prayers and fellowship.”
About six years after Dudley Colhoun retired in 1991, the group voted to re-name the Bible study and prayer breakfast in honor, and now in memory, of Dudley.
For 20 years, beginning in 1992, the group coordinated St. Paul’s support for our medical missionaries, Doctors Shaw and Sharon Yount.
Shaw, who grew up at St. Paul’s, was trained as a family practitioner and Sharon was trained as a pediatrician. They worked first in a clinic in Zimbabwe and then later at the Hospital Loma de Luz on the northern coast of Honduras. Theirs was a hospital-based evangelism, bringing people to Christ through meeting their medical needs. Now that Shaw and Sharon have returned to Winston-Salem, Shaw is a member of our Friday morning Bible study group.
The names and faces have changed over the years, but much of what was written in that early edition of Parishlife remains true today. Breakfast is prepared now by Denice Golsby, who arrives at St. Paul’s long before the men arrive at 7:00 a.m. The cost of breakfast has risen over time, but at $6.00, it is still a bargain.
All men of the church are welcome to come and be a part of this dedicated group of St. Paul’s men. The group currently has between 15 and 20 men who participate every Friday morning (except for the Friday after Thanksgiving and the Friday between Christmas and New Year’s Day).
Members take pride in preparing for their turn as “rabbi,” leading the readings and discussion. It a close-knit group, with all members concerned for the health and well-being of the other members.
On Friday, November 21, 2014, the group celebrated its 40th Anniversary. In addition to the usual study of the lectionary, the festivities included a reading of a letter written for the occasion by the Rev. Don Goodheart.
A Letter from the Rev. Don Goodheart
on the 40th Anniversary of the Dudley Colhoun
Friday Morning Men’s Prayer Breakfast
For the ten years I served as Rector and then again during the six months I was Interim Rector, the Friday Morning Men’s Prayer Breakfast always meant a lot to me. I never missed a Friday unless I was out of town. Why? Heaven knows I did not enjoy getting up early enough to get there on time. My wife would tell me that she got quite tired of hearing me complain on Thursday evening about how I had to get up early on Friday. I know some people are early risers by nature, but I am not. In any case, I did find out fairly quickly that you do not want to be late. You do not want to be relegated to the “second row;” no, a seat at the table is critical to enjoying the full experience of the Men’s Prayer Breakfast.
I could say the reason the Prayer Breakfast was so meaningful is that I love studying the scriptures, and that would be true. I do enjoy every opportunity to reflect upon God’s word. After all, God gave us the scriptures for a reason. They are our “lamp” to guide us in life. We are to “read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest” them according to the Prayer Book. But it is more than that.
I could say the reason is that I love to pray in a group, and that also would be true. “Pray without ceasing,” St. Paul tells us. Prayers are such an important part of our Christian walk. They sustain and empower us. But it is more than that.
I could say that it was Denise’s fine cooking, and that also would be true. She cooks the best bacon and the best grits of anyone I know! But again, it is more than that.
I could say that it was the contributions we made to missions, especially the Younts of course, because mission is a critical part of Christian calling. Again, however, it was more than that.
Indeed, I would attribute it’s meaningfulness to two related factors. The first is that fact that the men take turns leading, being the “rabbi,” as we would say. I loved hearing the unique perspective that each person brings to table. I loved the fact that it was not clergy-dependent. Yes, I took my turn along with everyone else, but the Prayer Breakfast did not depend on me, or Dudley, or Charles Tabor, or any of the other clergy. I loved the give and take of the discussion and the application of the scriptures to our own lives. I also like the fact that it was not limited to Episcopalians or members of St. Paul’s. That openness again enabled everyone to hear different perspectives.
The related factor is the natural development of Christian fellowship that occurs in the group. We get to know each other and develop a bond that I believe Christ intends us to have. If a member of the group is sick we pray for him, visit him, or call him and he knows that prayer support is there. A good example occurred while I was there as Interim. Tyson Swain was going through some difficult times, but people would bring him whenever he was able to come and we always prayed for him. Again, he knew that prayer support was there and it meant a lot to him right up to the end.
So Happy Anniversary, Men’s Prayer Breakfast! I do wish I could be there. Please keep Ronnie and me in your prayers. Some of you know that Ronnie’s mother recently died and I was privileged to have a close bond with her along with Ronnie. At the same time we were able to spend quite a bit of time recently with our youngest grandchild, Henry Goodheart (at 14 months). Indeed he was with us and my mother-in-law during her final days and it was wonderful to see them together. Life goes on, and so does the Men’s Prayer Breakfast, I hope, for many years to come! May God bless each and every one of you always.
Don Goodheart
November 20, 2014
All men of the St. Paul’s parish are invited and encouraged to join the Dudley Colhoun Men’s Prayer Breakfast.
Please note that locations for gatherings are subject to change due to church improvements. Please check with your small group to verify the location.
Bob Linnell Small Group
3:00-4:00 p.m. Wednesdays | Conference Room
Bible study. Open to new members.
Contact Bob Linnell
Centering Prayer
5:00-6:30 p.m. Wednesdays | Emma Gribbin Room
Centering Prayer is a gentle form of silent prayer grounded in the monastic contemplative tradition. After reading and reflecting on a brief passage, the group observes 20 to 25 minutes of silence.
Contact Gail Phillips at (336) 970-1700.
Cindy Lou Franke Small Group
9:30-11:30 a.m. Thursdays | Emma Gribbin Room
The group will discuss the book, When God Winks at You by SQuire Rushnell. This collection of stories from famous people, with narrative by the author, explores how God often communicates with us in a very real and personal way. The group’s discussions of the book and relevant biblical passages will help members learn to recognize the tangible messages God sends to each of us to guide us, reassure us and strengthen our faith.
Contact Cindy Lou Franke at (717) 658-3211.
Dudley Colhoun Men’s Prayer Breakfast
7:00 a.m. Fridays | Colhoun Room
Bible study, featuring discussion of the current week’s lectionary, with breakfast.
Contact Jonathan Engram.
Education for Ministry | September through May
A four-year program offered by the School of Theology at Sewanee, The University of the South, EfM equips lay persons responding to the call to Christian ministry. Participants study Old Testament, New Testament, church history and theology. Groups form over the summer and meet weekly September through May. Tuition payment and commitment to at least one year of study are required.
Contact David Tamer at (336) 407-7345
Enneagram Study
2:00-3:30 p.m. Monthly, 2nd Monday | Colhoun B/C
Contact Julie Smith
GLADS (Gays, Lesbians and Dang Straights)
7:00 p.m. Thursdays | Genie Carr’s home at 453 Plymouth Avenue
GLADS members include gays, lesbians and straight allies who share a common interest in lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) issues. They gather weekly to read, reflect and do Bible and book study to deepen their understanding of the love of God.
Contact Lynn Parsley, group facilitator.
Martha Higginbotham Small Group
9:30 a.m. Mondays | Parlor
Bible study and fellowship. Contact Martha Higginbotham at (336) 725-3892.
Men’s Prayer Group
7:30 a.m. Fridays | Parlor
Breakfast and Bible study. Contact Charles Corpening.
Parents of Toddlers
For parents of little ones, the group meets monthly for fellowship and prayer. Contact Samantha Franklin.
Young Adults’ Bible Study
For individuals and couples in their 20s and 30s, the group meets on the first and third Thursdays at 6:00 p.m. Contact the Rev. Sara C. Ardrey-Graves.