St. Paul’s is a vibrant parish family that strives first and foremost to follow Christ. We are a large, downtown congregation in Winston-Salem, North Carolina with a long history of moving worship, strong Christian formation and Outreach.
We are guided by scripture, tradition and reason. Worship is central to our life together and we gather each week to praise and be fed by the gifts of God. St Paul’s offers both sanctuary and challenge. It is a church grounded in the grace of God that seeks to bring God’s love and light into the world. We hope you will find here the Good News of God in Christ.

Our Vision
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church welcomes all to join us as we:
- Glorify God
- Inspire Faith
- Serve Boldly
- Transform Lives
- In the Name of Jesus Christ
From Business 40
Take Business 40 to the Broad St. exit,
Turn right on Broad Street,
Turn left on Fifth Street,
Turn right on Summit Street,
St. Paul’s is on the left.
From Highway 52
Take Hwy 52 to Salem Parkway going west,
Take the Broad Street exit,
Turn right on Broad Street,
Turn left on Fifth Street,
Turn right on Summit Street,
St. Paul’s is on the left.
From the wake forest University Area
Take University Parkway south,
Go to Fifth Street and turn right,
Turn right on Summit Street,
St. Paul’s is on the left.