Holy Week and Easter

Holy Week and Easter

Holy Week and Easter at St. Paul’s from March 24 to March 31 is one of the most important times of year at St. Paul's. There are a lot of opportunities throughout the week for you to join the community in worship. Here is an outline of important dates and times.

Easter Offering

Each year, the offering collected during Easter is donated to an community outreach organization. Our Easter Offering this year will go to the Community Care Center. This local non-profit provides free health care services and medicine to patients who have family incomes below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level. Due to increased need, the CCC continues to grow, and relies on community support and volunteers to make this work possible. The CCC serves over 3000 patients, with a total of over 19,000 visits a year for their healthcare, dental, and mental health services. Our offering will directly impact their ability to offer these services and important medications for those who need it. Help us partner with the good work being done in our community at the Community Care Center, and thank you for your generosity this Easter season!. To donate, click here, and be sure and select "Easter Offering" under the "To" option.

March 24| Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday Service at 7:30, 9, 11:15 am, and 5 pm in the Nave

Adult Formation at 10:15 am

March 25-27| Mon-Wed in Holy Week

12 pm, Holy Eucharist at the Side Altar

5 to 6 pm, Confession in the Nave
12:30 pm, Labyrinth Walks in the Chapel (on March 27 only after Holy Eucharist)

Confessing one’s sins is a powerful act of prayer and an important ritual for every Christian to practice. The Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in Holy Week, we invite all who would like to make a Confession individually to one of the priests to join us in the Nave from 5-6pm.

March 28| Maundy Thursday

12 pm, Holy Eucharist in the Side Altar

5:30 pm, Holy Eucharist with Foot Washing, Nave

The Holy Triduum, a Holy period of three days leading up to Easter begins with Maundy Thursday. Maundy Thursday commemorates the first Eucharist and follows the Gospel reading today with the washing of feet. The 5:30 pm service ends with the stripping of the altar as we prepare for Good Friday and includes a special children's program. This Holy Week, consider deepening your experience of Easter by participating in all the services of the Holy Triduum beginning on this day.

You can view the livestream on YouTube or Vimeo.

You can view the leaflet here >

March 29| Good Friday

12 pm, Good Friday Liturgy in the Nave

Through moving liturgy and beautiful music, the Good Friday service at St. Paul’s commemorates the Crucifixion of Jesus. On this day, we hear the Passion from the Gospel of John. The service is solemn, but a powerful part of the Triduum that helps us prepare for Jesus’ resurrection. You can view the livestream on YouTube or Vimeo.

You can view the leaflet here >

5:30 pm, Outdoor Stations of the Cross

Walking the Stations of the Cross is a spiritual practice often celebrated during Holy Week. Many churches and Holy Sites have unique traditions for the Stations, and here at St. Paul’s, we walk the Stations within the West End neighborhood. All our welcome.

March 30| Holy Saturday

12 pm, Holy Saturday Service in the Chapel

Join us for a simple service in the chapel specifically created for space after Good Friday and before the Easter Vigil. Meant for the time while Jesus laid in the tomb as we await his resurrection, this is a great service to attend before coming to the Easter Vigil later in the day.

7:30 pm, The Great Vigil of Easter in the Nave

At a new time this year! The Great Vigil of Easter is a cherished service in the Episcopal Church and a central part of the Holy Triduum. This service is the first Eucharist of Easter and begins in the dark, by candlelight. With lessons and baptisms to follow, this service first begins with the lighting of the Holy Fire. If you have never attended this service, or you have not been in a long time, this is a great opportunity to hear beautiful music, participate in ancient liturgy, and worship in a service unlike any other service in the year. All are most welcome.

March 31| Easter Day

7, 9, and 11:15 am, Festival Holy Eucharist, Nave
5 pm, Holy Eucharist in the Chapel

He is risen! Easter Day is the culmination of Holy Week and the Holy Triduum and one of the most important Feast Days in the church year. While the structure of each service is similar, each service is a little different. The morning services (7 am, 9 am, and 11:15 am) are all in the Nave (the main worship space) while the more intimate 5 pm service is in the Chapel. Cannot attend in person? The 11:15 am service, which is the only service to feature incense, will also be livestreamed. Questions? Email us at info@stpauls-ws.org. Happy Easter!

The 11:15 am service will be livestreamed. You can view the livestream on YouTube or Vimeo.

You can view the leaflet here >

Flowering of the Cross for Easter: We will again have a cross in the Memorial Garden on Easter morning. All are invited to bring flowers and greenery to both the cross in front of our church and the cross in the memorial gardens. It is our way of declaring resurrection for those we love whose remains are resting in the gardens.